
User Guidelines

We at DigitEd strive to ensure that our Users have a conducive learning and teaching environment, which includes interactions between the Users to allow the flow of knowledge and exchange of ideas.

Keeping the interactive nature of the Platform in mind it is essential to ensure that the Platform is not misused in any way that would warrant any User having a less than amazing experience and following the guidelines we have given below would be a great way to do that. You as a User may come cross-content that you feel is inappropriate, and we have provided means by which you can report or flag such content, but do keep in mind that the reporting option should be used judiciously and if you have any doubts, i.e. if the content is inappropriate please go through the guidelines to make an informed decision.

Additionally, these guidelines are to be read along with all the other policies on the DigitEd platform including but not limited to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

1. Guidelines for acts and content that are prohibited

Harmful or dangerous content: We at DigitEd believe the Platform is a safe space for learners and educators alike and would like your help in ensuring that it remains so. Keeping this in mind any content that incites or promotes violence that may cause physical or emotional harm or endanger the safety of any individual is expressly prohibited on the Platform. Content that requires references to harmful or dangerous acts solely for educational purposes is allowed. The sale and promotion of any regulated or illegal goods are not allowed. The Platform is to be used only for the permitted uses as detailed under the Terms and Conditions.

Hateful content: We realise that there may be instances when there is the exchange of ideas and opinions which is essential in the learning process, while we agree that individuals have the right to voice their opinion, we do not encourage or tolerate any hate speech. Hate speech is any content where the sole objective is inciting hatred against specific individuals or groups with respect to but not limited to race or ethnic origin, country caste, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation/gender identity etc.

Violent and graphic content: DigitEd is an educational platform and the content uploaded is restricted to educational content alone, content that is violent or graphic is prohibited. You are requested to ensure that if there are references being made to violent or graphic situations of instances, it should solely be for educational purposes. Content whose sole objective is to sensationalise, shock or disturb individuals is not allowed. DigitEd does not allow any content related to terrorism, such as content that promotes terrorist acts or incites violence, is not to be uploaded on the Platform in any manner.

Harassment and bullying: DigitEd Platform is used by many users on a daily basis and it is important to be respectful and kind to your fellow users, we do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying on the Platform and strive to keep the Platform a safe space to foster learning. Harassment, in this case, would include but not be limited to abusive videos, comments, messages, revealing someone’s personal information, including sensitive personally identifiable information of individuals, content or comments uploaded in order to humiliate someone, sexual harassment or sexual bullying in any form.

Spam: Posting untargeted, unwanted and repetitive content in lessons, comments of messages with an intention to spam the Platform and to drive traffic from the Platform to other third-party sites is in direct violation of our Terms and Conditions. Posting links to external websites with malware and other prohibited sites is not allowed. The use or launch of any automated system in any manner that sends more request messages to DigitEd's servers in a given period of time that is more than a human can reasonably produce using a conventional on-line web browser is prohibited and you can take a look at our Terms and Conditions for more details on the same including exceptions to this prohibition to public search engines.

Misleading metadata: Misuse of title, description, tags, thumbnail and bios and other features which constitutes the Metadata on the Platform is not allowed. Using these features to trick or circumvent our search algorithms is prohibited

Scams: Any content uploaded/posted in order to trick others for their own financial gain is not allowed and we at DigitEd do not tolerate any practices of extortion or blackmail either.

Copyright: Please refer to our copyright policy provided in our Terms and Conditions to know more about proprietary information relating to User Content and DigitEd Content.

Privacy violation: Kindly refer to our Privacy Policy given here to know how to protect your privacy and respect the privacy of other users. If you believe that your privacy has been violated in any manner where a user has knowingly or unknowingly disclosed any information on the Platform be sure to reach out to the User and if that is not possible, please feel free to approach us at any time so we can take the necessary steps to remove the content.

Impersonation: Impersonating another person is not permitted while using the DigitEd Platform. In this case, impersonation would mean the intention to cause confusion regarding who the real person is by pretending to be them. This can be done by means of using names, images, documents, certificates etc. not belonging to you or not used to identify you. Pretending to be a company, institute, group etc. by using their logo, brand name or any distinguishing mark would also amount to impersonation and could also be a potential trademark infringement.

Interaction with DigitEd: At DigitEd offices, we treat each other with respect and have a healthy and supportive work environment. We believe in hands-on interaction with our users to help them navigate and gain the maximum benefit from the platform. Should you find yourselves interacting with any person from DigitEd please ensure that you maintain the same decorum you would while using this Platform. We do not encourage any communication with DigitEd employees of staff that is hateful, abusive or sexually suggestive in any manner.

2. Reporting tools

We have reporting tools available on the platform where you can report any content that you believe falls under the ambit of any of the prohibited acts, violative of any intellectual property rights or spam. The report option is made available for the videos as well as the comments, please ensure that you are certain that there is an issue before you report and do not make false complaints or allegations. You can write to us at support@digitedlabs.com for any additional support, but to ensure that the Platform remains a safe learning space we suggest you use the in-built reporting tools made available.

Tips on Do’s & Don’ts: Here are a few tips from us on how to use the platform in a safe manner:

A. Keeping yourself and your account safe

  • Keep your log-in credentials a secret and do not reveal your password or ID to anyone.
  • Create a strong password to ensure that your account is not compromised, here are some tips to ensure that your password is strong:
    • Your password should be at least eight characters in length, combine numbers and letters, and not include commonly used words.
    • Select a word or acronym and insert numbers between some of the letters.
    • Include Special characters.
    • Mix capital and lowercase letters.
    • Don't reuse passwords associated with any other type of account.
    • Log out of all devices to ensure that your log-in credentials are secure.
    • Register with our phone number in order to ensure you have a backup in case you forget your login details.
  • Do not reveal any personal information about yourself to anyone online, additionally do not meet someone you have a conversation with online in person, this could be a potentially dangerous activity and you might be compromising your safety.
  • If you are below the age of 18 and want to use the platform, a parent or guardian can create an account on your behalf. Persons below the age of 18 are not allowed to have individual accounts without the consent of a parent or guardian.

B. Reporting Content

  • If you have content on your profile or video that would confuse persons as to who the video or content belongs to or leads users to believe that you have been endorsed or sponsored by another person, then the trademark of such person might have been infringed. If we receive any complaints or reports regarding the same, we may remove the content, if supported with relevant evidence.
  • If you are a trademark or copyright owner and believe that your intellectual property right is being infringed, please note that you have the option of reporting the same. However, DigitEd is not in a position where they can mediate such disputes and we disclaim any liability for the same. If we receive an infringement complaint that is genuine, we may remove the content in question and serve a warning to the alleged infringer. We also suggest that before reporting the issue, both parties try to solve the disputes directly with the user who posted the content.
  • If you see any content that you feel is inappropriate and violates the guidelines given here, please report the content.
  • If you encounter a video that you believe violates the privacy of an individual or violates your privacy, please report the same, we shall initiate action accordingly as we have a strict privacy policy. If you report any content for violation of privacy, the content will be removed only if the information, images or date is clearly identifiable.
    In the event, a fellow user harasses you or you believe that someone is being harassed on the platform you can report the user or content. You may even write to us at support@digitedlabs.com  for any further help or assistance.

C. Posting Content

  • When posting videos or lessons on the platform always ensure that the information is correct, the content itself does not belong to a third party and that it is free from any of the prohibited acts in these guidelines.
  • Always ensure that the personal information of a person or even your own personally identifiable information is not disclosed while posting any content on the platform, this would be in violation of our Privacy Policy.
  • You will be personally held responsible for your actions on the Platform, thus please ensure that any content that you post including comments does not hurt the sentiments of any group or individual and cannot be construed as being harassment or bullying.